You may submit your AAR and AER from either the document tab in the task or from the "Document Management" tab on the dashboard. Form 5603 will be referred in the instructions below however the same process is used for Form 5602. If you have been lodging electronic F524 you will already be familiar with these steps.
NB: If you have document authorisation turned on you will not be able to submit the form until it has been authorised.
1a. Submit form from Document Management tab
Right click on the pdf of the return you wish to lodge and select Submit 5603 EAR data.
1b. Submit form from Task-> Document tab
2. Lodge Form
The Lodgement screen will appear with a confirm action request. Click Ok
Note: "Final Lodgement" is ticked because this is ASIC Form 5603 - End of Administration return. An AAR lodgement would not have final ticked.
Notice you can also Submit to ASIC at the lodgement page too.
The following windows open. Copy the path to the temp file (highlighted in blue). Click on the path, right click->copy or Control C. Once you have copied the path you can close the window
Note the file submitted to ASIC is now zip file as per their specifications.
C:\Users\LYNSTA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\5603\20170830\test1 Form 5603 EAR from 02-12-2016 to
You will note you have also been directed to the ASIC online services portal. Enter the registered liquidators number and click NEXT
Enter user name and password details to log in
Start new Form
Select Form to be lodged
At Upload page click on Chose file and paste the temp file path into the File name cell and click Open
Once your file is uploaded click NEXT and follow prompts.
One reason why your file may be rejected is because the name registered with ASIC does not match the ACN in the file you are uploading. The full name used in MYOB Insolvency must be exactly the same as the name registered with ASIC.
eg ASIC registered name ABC PTY. LIMITED And the full name in MYOB may be ABC PTY LTD. For ASIC to recognise the name you would need to edit the name in MYOB by entering after PTY and changing LTD to LIMITED.
NB At this stage the xml has been created and is saved in Lodgements > F5603 (or F5602) > yyyymmdd> xml. The xml file is hidden but can be unhidden.
Access the above folder path via File Explorer. Click on View and tick Hidden Items
The xml folder is now visible and accessible. Click on the xml folder to access the xml that is being submitted to ASIC.
3. Completing Lodgement details
Once your data has uploaded successfully click OK to the action.
Notice in the Lodgement screen the Date Lodged has been auto completed. Completing Lodged By and Memo is optional. Click Save and Exit
If the form has been uploaded but not submitted because the operator does not have authority to do so you can change the lodgement date once the submission has been completed.
You can update the lodgement details through the Document Management folder OR the Document tab in the task.
Update lodgement details from Document Management tab
Right hand click on the pdf of the Form in Document Management and select Lodgement Details. Update details as required
Update lodgement details from the Task->Document tab
Once you have opened the task click on the document tab. If the document has been authorised you can click on the Lodge icon under the lodge column which opens the lodgement page. Update the details, save and exit.
NB you will not be able to access the lodgement page unless the document has been authorised
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