You may enter default bank details for a Counterparty. The bank details for counterparties have been expanded in Version 5.0.
To edit counterparty bank details:
1. From the Main Menu open the Counterparties
Type the counterparty name into the Counterparty Search, and click "Search".
The Counterparty Search results appear
2. Double click on the Counterparty you want to edit
The Counterparty form appears to the right of the screen
3. To the banking details click on the Banking & Advanced tab
A Creditor's Counterparty Bank Details can be set in the Counterparty record under the Banking & Advanced tab, as displayed:
4. Remittee Email.
Information on how the remittee email is used can be found in this article.
Banking Details for a specific job
If a counterparty uses specific bank details for a job (not the default bank details used for all jobs) you can set those bank account details by selecting the job from the drop down next to Default or Job then completing the unique bank details for this job.
Note: You will need rights to edit bank details for Counterparties ticked for your role OR
Counterparty Administrator rights (found under System Security) in the user profile.
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