If you have not submitted STP payloads as part of the wages preparations and you need to retrospectively submit STP then there are a few key points to consider:
Entries in a Batch
The easiest way to submit STP is by making sure all payroll payments and journal entries have been added in a batch.
Note: you cannot retrospectively add entries to batches.
Reasons for needing to Submit updated information
You may have a situation where data is taken from external systems or entries were processed outside a payroll batch.
Current-Year Update Submissions:
Current Year Update submissions, are a catch all way of submitting STP retrospectively after the pay event.
In this instance there will not be any entries in the batch, but, the batch acts as a shell to query all payroll entries the system recognises as not being part of a submission.
STP Header Totals
When submitting an STP event, the employee figures are the YTD figures paid to an employee, they STP submission does report the Total of Gross Wages and PAYG Tax Withheld for the payroll batch.
Note: It will be a future ATO project to pre-populate the BAS W1 and W3 fields with the information submitted through STP.
All of batch totals (the total for this submission) should ultimately add up to all the employee YTD figures.
So it is important when not submitting "catch up" batches that you include the correct pay date range so the header totals in the batch incorporate the correct period.
Zero entry Submissions
Another way to submit a payroll event is to process a zero payment to an employee in a batch.
This submission will pick up the YTD figures for only the paid employees in that batch. In this circumstance your YTD batch totals will be zero, but the amounts submitted for each employee will be correct.
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