To enter Shareholders into the job, navigate to the Members Register as shown below:
- Click on add
The below information from the Company Search used for this table
Create a class of Share eg ORD
PAR VALUE: value per share $1
AUTHORISED CAPITAL: Total value of Share for this class for the company
ISSUED CAPITAL: Total value of shares for this class for the company
PAID UP: Total value of shares for this class for the company
Once each share class is created double click on the class to add the shareholders and their holdings.
From the Shareholder Register click Add New Shareholder
Enter the shareholders Details, then click on the Shareholdings tab
Click Add
Enter the number of shares for the shareholder and click OK
Click Save and Exit
To add extra share class holdings, repeat the process again and add the shareholders again.
You can also import shareholders. The import spreadsheet can be found here
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