When employee payments are ready to finalise for the year, you can submit a final pay event.
The ATO have added validation so you cannot submit more than 6 months into the future. E.g. You may want to do a "Full year submit" for the VA period after it has been finalised.
Instead of using the default dates enter the Payroll Period End Date and the Date payment made date as the end date of the VA period.
To complete the annual payment summary you may submit a final pay event. See the ATO's guidance on final pay events.
To submit a final STP pay event:
a) on the last pay run of the year, change the "final pay event for financial year" to "true"
b) complete a "full year submit"
The STP submission below shows the "final pay event for financial year" set to "True":
Once you successfully submit the STP event, the employee's my.gov account is updated to show a "Tax ready" status:
Retrospective Amendments
If details change or need amending after making a finalisation declaration (i.e. Final pay event) you can submit events retrospectively. You can do this by submitting an update event.
- If you have incorrectly submitted a final pay event or found an error in the final pay event submission you can submit a new STP submission Current Year update (which will have the final indicator as false. You can update/resubmit the final true submission until the financial year is closed off. This will advise the ATO the current information is not final and should not be reported as final. Final events allow the employee to pre-fill the amounts for tax returns. When you are ready you can redo the final submission as True.
- If you are transitioning between job types you will need to do a Final Full Submission for the current CAC (e.g. for the VA period). Future submissions for the new job type (eg CVL) will be submitted under a new CAC.
ATO Response Summary
For an explanation of the ATO response Summary please refer to this article STP - ATO Response Summary
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