What process allows you to lodge a BAS electronically?
Firstly, you do not need to register the software with the ATO. It is already registered.
If you are talking to the ATO you can advise them the software ID is "EXALT" and the ABN of the software provider 89123591763 is registered in the ATO system. The product name is “MYOB Insolvency” or "Insol 6" and we submit BAS through SBR1.
When you complete the incapacitated entity form:
and complete this section with a Yes:
When you complete this form, your ABN should be automatically linked to your Practice's AUSKey / MyGovID.
The ATO may not link some types of external administration due to the possibility there may be multiple CAC numbers. An example is voluntary administrations, DOCAs and Receiverships where there may be multiple appointments existing at the same time.
If your Practice ABN and the AUSKey / MyGovID are not linked you will need to speak to the ATO.
The details of the practitioner lodgement service are outlined here:
The AUSkey/MyGovID help desk on 1300 287 539.
Error when submitting BAS
Incorrect registration or incorrect selection of AusKey or passwords are usually associated with the warning message "Check AUSkey details match the details of the user submitting the information."
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