You have received an over-payment and you want to pay back the money, what do you do? For example say the original receipt was 25673.90 and this represented an over-payment of $600.
A receipt has been recorded against an asset:
1. Add a new account
Add a new account "over payment of receivable" (revenue account):
2. Edit the receipt
Edit the original receipt of $25673.90 to record a split entry:
i) $25,073.90 (alloc to pre-appt debtor)
ii) $600.00 (account: over payment of receivable)
Assuming the original receipt was allocated to the pre-appointment asset, this receivable will now be partly realised.
3. Edit the accounts receivable asset
a. Make sure the pre-appt asset is part realised.
The asset may be listed as fully realised, open the asset and click "Change" status
The status should now show "part realised".
b. change the Actual ERV (Low)
c. After changing the value make sure the asset is marked fully-realised
4. Repay the over-payment
Create a payment:
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