The database roles are configured by a system administrator in
Static Data (main menu) > "Job Security Settings".
There are 2 separate configurations:
Configuration 1 - To set up 3 separate user roles to "prepare"; "upload" and "approve" electronic files.
Cashbook operator
The following setting allows a "cashbook operator" to prepare files:
The following setting allows a "manager" to upload files:
Electronic Payment Authoriser
The following setting allows an "authoriser" to receive emails informing that the files have been uploaded:
The authoriser will receive an email, this user does not perform any system functions. The email will contain the details of the transaction and a link to internet banking. See the email example.
Configuartion 2. To set up 2 separate users, one user to "prepare and upload" and one user to "authorise" electronic files.
The following setting allows a manager to prepare and upload a file:
Electronic Payment Authoriser
The following setting allows an "authoriser" to receive emails informing that the files have been uploaded:
The authoriser will receive an email, this user does not perform any system functions. The email will contain the details of the transaction and a link to internet banking. See the email example.
Forcing the upload to be performed by two separate roles
Effectively there is a separation of duties between the user who logs onto online banking and users who will prepare and upload files, however, the database can be configured so that a separate users needs to log on to prepare and upload a file. Any user (including an administrator) is then prevented from performing both prepare and upload files.
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