The application is now installed in “C:\Program files (x86)\Insol6\Insolvency\systasks.exe”.
As per release notes for upgrade to V2020.03 please copy a file named "39B8AC2C-A0FD-49E9-808D-C8642D9595EA" from the application directory where MYOB was previously installed (C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\Insolvency) to the new Insol6 application directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\insol6\Insolvency). This will avoid the step of having to re-enter credentials when running SysTasks.exe,
The autogenerated emails that send a list of tasks initiates through a windows schedule. The target location of the EXE needs to be updated in the Windows scheduler for each task.
Update the path to systasks.exe in the task scheduler
To update the path, select the alert(s) in the Task Scheduler, then edit the Action and update it to run the Alert from the Insol6 folder as shown below.
Click Save, then it is worth running a test to make sure the scheduler is correctly set up.
For further instruction on configuring system task alerts please click here
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