Debtor Summaries
There is multiple reports per Job that you can supply to a Debtor or review as needed depending on the use case. All are accessible via the Reports and all can be produced in PDF, Word or Excel formats:
The three reports utilised in Part IX Debt Agreements Are:
Debtor Contribution Detail Report
- This report captures the Debtors contributions and Administration status (last payment, arrears, payment frequency, amounts due). You can see more detail on this report here: Debtor Contribution Detail Report
Creditor Listing by Class
- This will show the initial debt balances, dividends paid and balances remaining. Select unsecured Creditors in the wizard that opens.
- The report captures all entities under unsecured creditors including the AFSA Realisation Charge and Administration Fees.
Account Transaction Detailed Listing
- This report will show a ledger for the administration.
- Select only the Creditor Class you have used for the Part IX in the Wizard, then the time period you require before generating the report.
- Clicking on a hyperlink will take you to the individual transaction within the Job. .
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