It has been brought to our attention some pdfs released in the last script were not working properly. If you have already run the update script for ARITA Corporate Templates Updates April 2022 you will need to run the new script, available in the link below, on your Insol6 database.
NB: There are no templates to be installed.
If you have not yet run the updates for April 2022 the latest script is available in the April 2022 downloads link and you should continue installing the update as normal.
The templates effected are listed below.
17393 - template named updated to 17393 (SBR) - APP – Directors’ declaration of eligibility v2_0
17323 - template named updated to 17323 (SCVL) - APP - Directors declaration of eligibility v2_0
SYSTEM FLAG updated to 53
07196 (SBR) - INFO - Director information sheet SBR v1_0
12162 (MVL) - INFO - Creditor rights information sheet v1_0
17301 - APP - ROCAP Instructions v1_0
17324 (SCVL) - INFO - Directors information sheet SCVL v1_0
22143 (VA) - INFO - Offences recoverable transactions and insolvent trading v2_1
22145 (VA) - WP - Annexures to VA Report Workpaper v3_0
22500 - INFO - COI Information Sheet v2_0
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