Corporate jobs now have the industry division and group captured during the setup (505) wizard. The settings can also be changed in the corporate information tab.
Banking integration
EFT batch email remittances advices will now send a payslip remittance advice where the individual payments are employee wages payments. For all other payment types the universal remittance advice will be sent. The design of the universal remittance can also be modified via the reports button on the Financials --> Batches --> EFT Uploads tab.
The universal remittance can also be customised to be populated with custom fields to allow it to be used as a statutory form Eg: Form 549.
EFT transfer status. The EFT transfer status screen now has an option to export the activity log to Excel.
EFT batches containing no transactions can now be deleted. Previously, under certain conditions the EFT upload batch would be considered by the system as still being in process even though no transactions were contained in the upload.
When creating debtor contributions, the system will now prompt the user with a warning message before creating the contributions schedule. This gives the user the option to cancel. Previously the schedule would have been created without warning and would require the manual deletion of the contribution receivables.
A contribution reference has been added for debtor contributions. Where Macquarie bank integration is enabled, this can be optionally populated with the DEFT reference.
In prior versions, adding a new counterparty defaulted the supplier terms value for the counterparty to 30 days. This default value will continue, however, there is now an application setting to allow this default value to be changed.
Creditors who have their claim rejected in full can now be flagged as having no claim and excluded form mailouts. Previously only creditors with nil POD amounts entered could be flagged in this way.
The filters on the creditor register now incorporate options for "Rejected fully" and "No claim".
Creditors portal
When a creditor is entered into the system as a non-individual and uploaded to the portal, that creditor now has the ability to change to an individual (sole trader) registration.
When a creditor contact registers on the portal and that person's registered email address is different to the creditor's email address, the contact will be created as a contact linked to the job in Insol6.
The creditor register now contains a button to download to document management all documents uploaded to the creditor portal. Documents will be downloaded to the Document Management folder ‘Portal Documents’ with a subfolder per counterparty name.
An upgrade to your service is required for this function. Please contact our support team via the zendesk for further information.
The system can now specify the types of proofs of debt that can be lodged by creditors on the portal:
All POD types; Informal POD's only; Formal POD's only. This setting is set on the portal tab of the job:
Directors now have a field in the employee record to store their ASIC Director ID.
Document Management
For systems integrated with the iManage external DMS, there is now an option to sync the documents in iManage with the Insol6 DMS. To access this functionality, click the Sync button in the Job Setting screen.
Document production
Shared documents in combined merges. If you produce a combined merge ie: A circular to both electronic and hard copy recipients, the attachments to the emails now point to the hard copy documents. This means that if you edit any of the email attachments or conversely any of the hard copy documents (apart from the main document) then you will be editing the same document. Once the email has been sent, then the hard copy documents are copied to the email attachments location and the link between the documents is removed. This means that once the email has been sent, editing any of the attachments will not update the hard copy documents and vice versa.
Letterpacks can now be produced from dividends. In one step, this allows notices of dividends to be sent via email and hard copy depending on the creditors' nominated preference.
When attaching files to an email, the locate file dialogue will now default to the job's document management folder.
New replace field: [RF_START_DATE_MINUS_1_DAY]
The employee record now has fields for capturing SGC interest and admin fees. These can be entered on the tax tab of the employee form. Select the More.. dropdown and choose SGC Interest and Admin fees. You will then get an option to enter the amounts in a popup form. Alternatively these amounts can be exported, updated and re-imported via the employee import spreadsheets. The Employee superannuation claim detail report lists these amounts and the report can be used to calculate the ATO's SGC claim.
The employee record now allows you to enter an tax offset amount on the tax tab of the employee form. This is an annual amount which is a direct offset against PAYG tax payable. So if the annual tax offset was $5,200, tax payable would be reduced by $100 per week. Note this functionality only applies if the employee has payments generated through the pay wages function. Dividends paid will not take the offset amount into account.
EFT Outputs
The home page Transactions --> EFT payments to output link will now open the EFT upload screen where banking integration is enabled. Where this option is not enabled, the standard cheque printing screen will be opened.
The system now has the ability to create EFT uploads from unposted batches. This functionality can only be accessed from within the unposted batch screen. It is not possible to add an unposted transaction to an EFT upload other than through the batch that the transaction belongs to.
Receipts and payments
New Reports
Users Permissions on Job report returns a list of the permission a user has on a job and which workteam/standalone role they are derived from. From a job select Reports & Forms > Job Security Reports > Users Permissions on Job
Trust Account Audit Report with sequential audit reference. Practice Reports > Trust Account Reports > Trust Account Audit Report. The Trust account audit report returns a list of every transaction that is or has ever been coded to the trust account, including deleted entries and entries that have been edited and moved to a different trust account.
Note this report needs a match code in the trust account to generate the audit reference properly. It also has a hashtags field that will return any hashtags # that have been entered into a transactions memo field (so for example if an entry is not linked to a job, the user can put #SHORTNAME into the memo field)
User statistics report. Practice Reports > User Reports > User statistics report
Batch detail listing ordered by supplier. Financials > Batches > Reports > Batch detail listing ordered by supplier
Debtors all active jobs. Practice Reports > Bankruptcy Returns > Debtors all active jobs
Directors all active jobs. Practice Reports > Job Reports > Directors all active jobs
Meeting resolutions summary and voting results. Corporate > Meetings Register > Reports
Updates to Existing Reports
Creditor listing reports now contain created and last updated details in the raw output.
Job detail listing report now contain created and last updated details in the raw output.
Home Page
Home page > Things to Do > Compliance: The GST refund and payable summary now includes additional filters.
Home page > Transactions > Payables: A practice filter has been added to the accounts payable and the due date to return payables due within the next week.
Home page > Transactions > Fees and Costs: A practice filter has been added to the fees and cost section section and the due date to return payables due within the next week.
Home page > Payment and Receipt Approvals - Batches > Authorisations: Now have filters by reporting manager, reporting user and requested approver.
Home page > Payment and Receipt Approval Batches: Batches are not displayed if the batch does not contain any transactions.
Home page > Things to Do > Appointment Metrics: There is now an option to exclude a job from the ASIC metric report by ticking the "Exclude from metrics" option in the job's Corporate Info tab.
Practice Reports
Practice Reports > Job Banking Reports: Both the bank account list and associated reports now have the ability to show or hide nil balance accounts.
Other Reports
Trial balance report: The field account/match code has been added to the report.
Meeting chairperson's report: References have been updated to refer to "outcome" as opposed to "status".
All reports: If a report has a filter for reporting user or manager, then the list of users will only include those users that have an active role as a reporting manager or user in any job. Previously the lists included all active users.
Task actions: Task actions that are letterpacks will display an information icon displaying the details of the documents in the letterpack. Clicking on an individual document link will open the document in the document production wizard.
Task alerts: Appointees who have retired on a job will no longer receive task alerts for that job.
A new task status "In review" has been added. All task reports and filters have been updated to include this status.
Changes to tasks are now audited and details of the changes made are displayed on a tab in the task screen.
The following field changes are audited:
- Assignee
- Task group
- Task description
- Memo
- Due date
- Task status
Double clicking on an item in the list will display a form detailing the change made
Task list merge/demerge settings
The application contains an option to either merge common items in the task listings or to display each task as a distinct line in a task list. Previously each job saved its own setting as to the merge/demerge status of the job's task list. This has been changed so that the merge/demerge setting applies across all jobs. Now, if you change the setting in one job, the setting will be applied to the task list in all jobs.
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