Note: Details of maintenance release 5.8.43 items can be found at the bottom of this article.
Accounts payable
When making EFT payments from the accounts payable register, any suppliers that had their EFT method set to OTT, IACH or RTGS would receive a red validation warning for incomplete EFT details. This issue has now been resolved.
When running a BAS and the PAYG start date was different to the GST start date, the PAYG detail report created in document management would be dated from the GTS start date. Only the PAYG detail report was incorrect, the PAYG totals incorporated into the BAS for submission were correct. This issue is now resolved.
In 2021.04, exporting creditors information resulted in any leading zeroes being stripped from the BSB. This issue is now resolved.
Data importing
When importing bank details, trailing zeros will be added to BSB numbers where the length of the number is less than 6 digits to prevent data loss due to Excel formatting issues.
Dividends and distributions
The system now prevents you from posting an unauthorised distribution/dividend batch.
Document production
In 2021.04 sending an email from the document despatch task to a portal enabled job produced a "data has changed error." This issue is now resolved.
In 2021.04 creating a creditor email circular and including a debtor (bankrupt) in the recipients resulted in a file not found error for any email attachments relating to the debtor. This issue is now resolved.
Document management
In 2021.04, attempting to relink a document from one bank account reconciliation to another resulted in the document remaining as linked to the first reconciliation. This issue is now resolved.
In 2021.04, if a user was disconnected from the network or the document management path was missing or incorrect, the user would be prompted to enter a new path. The user can now only enter a new path if they have the appropriate permission of Job settings - edit.
in 2021.04, when proposing a dividend, the settings for the batch type and payment type (EFT or cheque) would not be retained between the proposing and authorising stages.
The employee job title was able to be entered in the trading employee screen. This issue is now resolved.
Practice manager integration
Cost approvals are now displayed on the WIP and Fees tab.
Receipts and Payments
In 2021.04 the user is required to reconcile bank and cash accounts as at the R&P end date. If an account had nil transactions for the R&P period, the reconciliation report would not be output to document management. This issue is now resolved.
Postings to the GST rounding account now report in the ASIC category GST paid in forms 5602 and 5603.
In 2021.04, changing the job type on a receipt or payment transaction resulted in the link to the selected counterparty being lost. This issue is now resolved.
Receipts and payments summary by account report: Postings to the PAYG and GST paid/received accounts were not summarised on the report. A separate line was reporting for each account. The account and sections totals all reported correctly.
The POD summary of claims report has had the previous reference to the RATA replaced with ROCAP.
Under certain circumstances, the account transaction detailed listing report would incorrectly label the total amount as being in foreign currency. This happened when a home currency (AUD) account and an FX account were reported on in the same report run, and the AUD account appeared in the report ordering before the FX account. Only the total label was incorrect, the total amount was reported correctly.
The option to delete documents linked to a task has been restored via a right mouse button popup menu.
In 2021.04, rejecting a single document in a multiple document approval task did not popup the dialogue to notify other users of the document's rejection. This issue is now resolved.
In 2021.04 a user who did not have permission granted to mark statutory tasks as complete could actually complete tasks of this type. This issue is now resolved.
Maintenance Releases bug fixes:
The following issues have been reported subsequent to the initial release of 2022.05:
- Error with timestamp preventing submission of STP1 after upgrading
- Permission Error when posting batch
- Union fees deductions moved to the correct liability account group
- Change label of the portal upload option to "Formal POD except employees"
- Error loading SGC interest and admin fee when STP2 disabled
- PAYG not being included in BAS wizard total
- Import employee fields "job title" and "date of notice"
- BAS rounding issue at the end of the BAS Wizard
- Latest 2022/23 system rates update (including PAYG rates)
- Update STP2 account configurations
- Wages reported net of salary sacrifice in W1 on BAS
- Add salary sacrifice to Gross on STP Employee Payment Summary report
- STP submission showed warning error if you had "ae" or "oe" validation in the employee name when submitting STP
- Exclude Nil balances for job history on Bank Balances (All Jobs) filtered when filter set
- Bank feed auto interest created as negative receipt
- Inactive s188 jobs job history without transaction still appearing in job Annual Return
- STP 2 Include super entitlement code O where no super deducted or OTE earning exist
- STP 2 Update other allowance code to OD Tasks to KN
- STP 2 exclude Lump Sum D and SS Other from parent totals
- STP 2 Incorrect validation on city
- STP 2 update run timestamp
- Document production - combined merge - email template set to no hard copy causes file not found error for email attachments
- Document production - combined merge - no hard copy recipients selected causes file not found for email attachments
- Data has changed error producing ROCAP
- You can now exclude an employee from STP lodgements by ticking 'Exclude from STP lodgements' under the Tax tab in the employee creditors card.
- New Practice report added for Meetings by Date. Found under Practice Reports > Job Reports.
- Tasking RH click menu option to complete task was evaluating the wrong permission.
- Document production - selecting the filters "class of creditors" and "all electronic recipients" excluded those recipients who had agreed to receive email.
- STP 2 update run timestamp
- The EFT bounce back functionality has been updated for dividends and accounts payable payments.
- The ASIC update to the ROCAP form has been updated. See here for more details. The maintenance script includes the ROCAP database updates, but you will still need to install the merge templates.
- USI and EFT details fix in Superstream report
- FK Error undoing payout/disclaim on charged assets
- Job setting to allow overpayment of creditor claims
- Creditor import updated for direct BPAY payments
- Sent date added to mailout listing
- Payment add permission not being correctly evaluated on transaction import
- Add DPW option to not share email attachments and hard copies derived from same template
- Print option added to email message log
- Added reporting user email as email "send from" option
- Document display order in document tasks is now listed in order that documents were produced (formerly in alphabetical order)
- Add ASIC sale of business category
- 5.8.38 - Prevent upload of unmerged Word documents to external DMS
- 5.8.39 - Prevent upload of unsigned Word documents to external DMS
- 5.8.40 - Version update relates to UK clients only
- NAB banking integration
- Fixed duplication issue with Creditor by Claim Type report
- Fixed issue with BPAY EFT Output related to spaces in CRN
- Updated remittance advice to display CRN instead of Bank Account Number for BPAY EFTS
- Added column for Lead Appointee to task reports
- Added currency Israeli Shekels
- Added currency Indian Rupee
- Added currency Czech Koruna
- Added currency Indonesian Rupiah
- Fixed issue with Appointment Detail report filter As At Date
- Fixed issue when running DPW for recipients with >20 chars in Title
- Homepage - Add Copy Table button to Document Awaiting Lodgement
- Annual Estate Return - Exclude Statutory Trustee job types from AER
- STP2 - Return PAYG code as X when STSL is removed and set to None
- Job Detail Listing - Include 'Job Notes' corporate info field in the Job Detail Listing report data
- Pay Wages - Insert the Wages period into memo field when preparing Pay Wages entries
- Bankfeed Statement Report - Report updated to properly handle Term Deposit accounts that dont have detailed transactional data
- EFT Remittance Advice - Make the 'memo' field available to the EFT Remittance Advice report
- Support links updated to Jira
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