Totals in the Response Summary are returned from the ATO and are not generated by the software.
Batch Submission
If you submit a batch the Gross Payment and PAYG withheld will report the totals on the Response Summary.
NB The gross amount represents the total period (not YTD) amounts of the payments that are subject to withholding tax (W1 on the BAS). eg Lump Sum D payments would not be included in the gross payments total above.
Extract from ATO
Current Year Update
If you do a Current Year Update submission first, meaning you have not previously submitted batches the Gross Payment and PAYG withheld will report the total amounts.
If you do a Current Year update submission after doing batch submission the Gross Payment and PAYG withheld will report $0. This may be the case if you have had issues with your batch submissions and are doing a Current Year Update submission.
Full Year Submit
The Full Year Submit will report the Gross Payments and PAYG withheld on the Response Summary.
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