Debt Agreements
- Managing Personal Insolvency Payment Agreements - Overview
- File Notes and Task Management
- Debt Agreement Setup Fees
- Trust Account Banking Reconciliation
- 3-month & 6-month arrears default report
- Reporting
- Debtor Summaries
- Variations and Terminations
- Single Trust Account AFSA Interest Payments
- Sending Remittance Advice
- Creating Bank Output files
- Payment Options for Centralised Distributions
- Making Grouped Distribution Payments
- Entering provisions for other liabilities
- AFSA Realisation Charge accrual, and payment
- AFSA Fees, Charges and Interest
- AFSA Debt Agreement lodgement fees
- Entering IP Fees
- Accepted Debt Agreement Setup - Importing Creditors
- Debtor Contribution direct debit dishonours
- Setting up a Part IX - Debt Agreement
- Debt Purchase or Reassignment