A Task Template is a checklist of tasks for running an external administration.
Task Templates may be defined for either different Job Types and/or for different stages of a Job.
Task templates are not automatically imported into a Job when it is added. It is necessary to import the relevant Task Templates into a new Job manually, providing full control in determining which particular tasks are added to a Job.
A Job may have mutually exclusive conditional outcomes. For example, a company placed under voluntary administration may either go into liquidation; execute a deed of company arrangement which pays a dividend; or be returned to the directors. An external administration may under go a sale process, or not.
Therefore, separating Task Templates into different Job stages allows a just-in-time approach to importing relevant tasks and prevents the creation of redundant tasks.
Editing task templates is restricted to users in the Administrator or Task/Template Administrator system security roles. Only person in those roles can edit the task templates.
You cannot edit the MYOB checklists. You can create a new template based on a MYOB template OR you can create a new template from scratch.
Setting up a new Task Template
Click on Manage Task Templates from Main Menu.
Create a New Task Template. From the Main Menu clcik on NEW TASK TEMPLATE
As we are creating a template from scratch the BASE ON: will remain <none>
DESCRIPTION: will be what you want to call your new template
JOB TYPE: You can set this template to be used on all job types or on a specific job type only.
Click OK and you return to a blank screen with the default type being your new template.
You can also create a NEW TASK TEMPLATE based on an existing template.
Setting up a new Task Template based on an Existing Template
Select NEW TASK TEMPLATE from Menu Bar at the top of the screen
BASED ON: select a template you wish to base your new template on
DESCRIPTION: enter your description for your new template
JOB TYPE: will default to the job type of the Template you based your new template on. You can however change this.
Click OK. A new Task Template will be created using the tasks from the existing template. You can now add, delete or edit tasks within your new template.
Adding new Tasks
To add tasks to this template click on New Task from the Menu Bar at the top of the screen OR click on click here to add a new task in the box below the blank screen.
A new dialogue box appears for your new task
Enter the task information.
TASK: enter a description of the task
GROUP: Use the drop down to select a group to assign this task to. This is not mandatory but may assist you when reporting on certain tasks by filtering for a particular group of tasks.
DUE: AFTER: First select the filter for AFTER. The DUE date is calculated on the AFTER date type.
In the example below the task Lodge F505 is due for lodgement within 14 days of the appointment date.
START DATE: Is how long you want to give notice before the task is due.
MEMO: free typing. Any information to assist th user in completing the task
Indicating High or Low Priority creates a symbol next to the task when it is merged into the client.
High being a red !; Low being down arrow. For normal priority the symbol column in the task page is blank.
Click on the black ! and it will sort your tasks into the order of High, Normal and low
Due date intervals can be seen by hovering in the due date cell when creating the task
DATE OF APPOINTMENT - due date calculated from date of appointment.
PRECEDENT TASK DUE DATE - used in workflows. The due date of the task is calculated from the due date of the parent task.
PROMPT FOR DUE DATE ON CREATE - There is no specific timing for this task. EG Dividend to creditors
USER SPECIFIC DATE - You can enter a user specified date prior to importing the template to a job. Due date for the task is calculated based on the User Specified Date enter prior to importing.
Statutory and Administrative Tasks types
Classify task group type as Statutory, Administrative or any other user-defined task group type.
You can separately report on and configure permissions of statutory tasks separately from administrative tasks.
You will need to manage the task groups via MANAGE STATIC DATA->TASK GROUPS.
You can add or edit task groups and group types.
Task Workflow - Dependant Tasks
Task having dependant tasks can be identified by this symbol appearing next to each task:
In the example below the due date of the dependent task is calculated to be due 36 months from the parent task due date.
If you want to calculate the discharge date either 36 months from the parent completion task date OR any other date enter the CALCULATION DATE in the field as circled below
Business Days and Public Holidays
The system makes allowance for business days when importing tasks into a Job. A separate list of public holidays is maintained for each state in Australia.
For example, configuring a task to occur 5 business days after the date of appointment will add two (2) days for the weekend and another day for each public holiday during that five (5) business day period.
You may enter a combination of days and months in Task Templates.
Enter the number of business days:
Enter: “5bd” – 5 business days
“2d” – 2 days
“1m – 1d” – 1 month less 1 day
For example, to have a task due at the end of the first quarter you would enter “0 qe” (which the system changes to QtrEnd) after the Specified Date.
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