When a batch has been submitted for approval the only edit you can make to the transactions in the batch is to edit the Transaction Date. No other edits can be made to the transactions contained in a submitted batch until the batch has been posted to the cashbook or unsubmitted. Once the batch is posted to the cashbook, then a user with Payment Edit or Receipt Edit permission can edit the posted entry.
If a change to a particular transaction in a batch is required and you want to avoid un-submitting the entire batch and sending it through the whole approval process again then you can split the batch. As an example, below Cheque requisition batch is a partially approved batch and let's say there is an issue with one entry, but as the batch has been partially approved you don't want un-submit the whole thing.
Split the Batch.
1. Open the batch and click on Action > Split Batch
2. As per instructions in pop up Click OK. Untick the payment entry that needs to be amended, and then select Split Batch a second time.
The above batch is still in the same approval step, but the payment that needs to be edited has been removed, so approval of this batch can now continue.
3. A new unsubmitted batch containing the entry that needs to be edited has been created and can be found in the Batches-Pending Submission tab. This entry can now be amended before it is sent through the approval process a second time.
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