Once the Azure share has been created, the MT pack and the DM folder structure can be dropped into Azure from the share.
From the workstation, in Windows Explorer (file explorer), open the share.
Either (where creating a new Insol6 instance)
Create MT and DM root folders
Extract MT pack (updated as necessary) into the MT root folder
Copy the DM folder template into the DM root folder
Or (where migrating an existing Insol6 instance to Azure)
Copy the current MT folders from the old server into the the share
Copy the DM folders containing the folder template and all client (merged) files into the DM root folder
Any existing job records in the app will also need to be updated.
The full URL/path must be used when setting the DM and MT paths in the application, NOT the mapped folders (i.e., "\\<document store>.file.core.windows.net\MT", not "Y:\MT").
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