NEW Production Option
The first page of the document production wizard appears:
Combined Circular to recipients
The combined circular is used as a one-size-fits-all document production for Hard Copy, Emails Recipients and Portal Creditors.
Electronic messages
Emails and portal messages are created. A hardcopy will be created for any recipient without an email address
Hard copy
Ticking Hard Copy Option will create a hard copy for ALL recipients in addition to the electronic message.
Select Recipients
Recipient Details
Shows hard copy, email, registered portal recipients.
Complete input fields
You will be prompted for each input field from all documents in a letter pack.
Replace fields
The software scans the document templates, finds all replace fields and attempts to populate them.
You can override the values by entering the data in here.
Review message
You can review and edit the email message and attached documents if required.
You can preview the email and links/attachments by selecting the Preview button (top right of the email).
Attach files - Options
Attach any reports or files that need to be included in this message. EG Completed F509 needs to be attached to the Initial Notice to Creditors, as does the DIRRI. Simply click on Attach Report or Attach File from the toolbar.
Send Files as hyperlinks - The documents will not be attached to the message, but, they will be uploaded to the portal (if enabled). Hyperlinks will be inserted in the email to the documents in the portal.
Send files as attachments - Documents will be attached to the email and sent in pdf form. Signatures can be inserted into the pdf's before the email is distributed. Instructions on this follow later in this document.
NB: If you untick a document from this email the document will be deleted and not included in the email, nor will it be uploaded to the portal or produced for hard copy distribution.
EXAMPLE of Production using Send Files as Hyperlinks
Tick Output as Merged Document
Review and/or Authorisation
You can send the document(s) for review or authorisation or authorise yourself if you have permission.
To send the document for review click on review and select the user to review the documents before being authorised.
If the user has permission to authorise the document, "Authorised" is ticked by default. If authorisation is required click on Request Authorisation. Tick who is to authorise from the list on the left and next.
The linked article Authorising documents and email messages will assist you further on with authorising documents
The system will create an email to the user selected and a task (linked to the email) being 'The following document(s) have been prepared for you to review and send.' The user receiving the email can click on the link in the email to be taken to the despatch task that contains all the documents in the pack.
Create a recipients list
SAVE AND EXIT from the task
Alternately if you do not use electronic authorisation you can review/edit the documents via the Document tab within the task. You can also make pdf's, add signatures, authorise and send the letters/pack from this tab.
To edit a word document double click on the document picture under the print column. Edit and save the word document.
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