Assigning Tasks to another user
When a case is created all tasks are imported as unassigned. Assign tasks to users as per your office protocol.
Open your case and select the task tab
User: - Unassigned or if reassigning the User who is currently assigned to tasks
Status will be incomplete
Select >> more on the right hand side to view Grouping and due from options.
Group – You can sort tasks by groups and then assign a group of tasks to one person OR you can assign individual task items OR you can assign all unassigned tasks.
You can assign a group of tasks in one go by highlighting the tasks –
All tasks in a row – Click on the first task, hold the shift key down and click on the last task. This highlights all tasks to be reassigned.
Right click and select assign task(s) to User.
Select the user you wish to assign to these tasks.
To select random tasks and assign in one go click on the first task to assign, hold down the Ctrl key and select more tasks. Again right click, select assign task(s) to user and select a user.
Edits can be done in any of the 3 views tabbed – task, action or checklist view.
The tasks allows all people working on an engagement, including the appointee to easily track the status and flow of tasks. The weekly emails send reminders to the team of tasks both overdue and due for the week.
An example of how email alerts may be setup as follows:
Monday – USERS ALERT. Users assigned to tasks will receive an email alert for all tasks that are due for that week and any tasks that are overdue. Tasks with no date will be emailed to the Assigned User on the job.
Tuesday – MANAGER ALERT. Reporting Managers receive email alert for all tasks that are due for that week and any tasks that are overdue. This will exclude any tasks that are marked as completed on Monday, before the manager alert is compiled.
Wednesday – APPOINTEE ALERT. Only the first appointee will receive email alert for all tasks that are due for that week and any tasks that are overdue and again less any tasks marked off prior to the alert being compiled.
For how to configure email alerts click this link Configuring alerts
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