A convenient and manageable way to manage users is by using Workteams.
Adding a user into a role (with appropriate permissions) within a Workteams, will give the user access to all jobs that the Workteam is assigned to.
To add or edit a Work Team:
- From the Main Menu navigate to
Manage Static Data > Job Security Teams - Select the Practice
From the Practice drop-down option select the Practice.
The Work Team configuration screen appears. - Select Add to add a Work Team
Enter the Name the work team. - Enter a Description of the work team.
- Click Save.
Your work Team is now added. - Configure the Work Team permissions
The following describes each section of the Work Team set up:
Appointees ❶
Entering Appointees for a Work Team and signatory will automatically populate the appointees when setting up a new job. Select this workteam as the Main workteam the system will auto complete the Appointees and signatory assigned to the job.
You may want to use this workteam for appointments to several different appointees or combination of appointees. Also if you have more than one appointee in your office you may have both single and joint / joint and several appointments. If this is the case you it would probably be more efficient to leave the Appointees field blank and enter the appointees based on the appointment setup details when creating a new job.
Appointees and reporting users are only added to the job on initial job creation. After initial setup, changes to appointees can only be made in the job.
Reporting Manager and Reporting User ❷
As for the Appointees. If you have multiple reporting managers and users that will be assigned to jobs using the Team members of this work team you can leave these fields blank. If you complete these fields that user will be auto assigned to the position of Reporting user/ Reporting manager when this work team is added to the job during the job creation.
Changing the reporting user/manager for the work team will not update existing jobs. To change the reporting user/manager, select the user/manger and apply the changes using the update reporting user/manager buttons below right.
Team Members ❸
Click Add User and select a User from the left hand column
Tick the appropriate role(s) for that user. When this work team is added to a job the user will have access to the job with rights as per the role they have been assigned.
When adding Team Members you can add one at a time with specific roles or a group of users at one time with the same roles.
Add Work Team as Main Work Team on Existing Jobs ❹
The Main work team is the main work team for the practice the job has been setup in.
If this is a new work team and is to be applied to existing jobs you can do this via the columns on the left of the screen.
To make the work team the main work team for existing job tick the job(s) under 'This work team is the main team for the selected jobs' and select Add this team to all selected jobs as the Main Team.
Add Work Team as linked Work Team to Existing jobs ❺
A linked work team is a team that may be part of another practice OR the same practice. To add the work team to existing jobs tick the job from the list and select Add this team to all jobs selected as linked team.
You can also include a linked team within the job under General-> Job Security-> Linked Work teams. Tick the team you wish to link.
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