If an error has occurred with a submission, you may fix the errors and resubmit the batch.
Some submission errors will require you to submit a replacement batch. Search the full list of STP submission issues.
Also, if you have changed any of the coding on the employee entries that has been submitted on an STP batch, you will need to resubmit the data with a new STP batch.
Navigate to the batch and click "Resubmit".
See the home page monitoring on submission errors.
See a guide to the types of submission errors that may occur.
Do not submit an earlier batch if you have already submitted a later batch. Each submission contains the year-to-date figures and will pick up earlier batches.
In some cases, for example where a submission has failed due to permissions, STP events may not be resubmitted as the ATO has already recorded the receipt of a failed message. In these cases you can generate a 'Current Year Update' to resubmit all data for the current year.
Flag as do not submit
If the ATO will not accept a batch that has previously been submitted in error (and you need to create a new submission) then you mark the submission having an error as "Flag as do not submit" using the right-click option on the STP batch submission register.
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