After submission:
When you submit an STP batch a report is created containing the detail of all transactions that make up the balance for the year to date figures submitted. The report is generated as PDF and attached to the STP batch.
See: Detailed STP report created on submission.
Before submission:
You may create a report to view the detail of a STP batch submission in two ways.
a). As of v2020.03 the Employee STP Payment Summary Listing report can be run from within an employee wages batch. When run from this location, the report will only report on payments within the batch.
b). When you select a batch from the STP Batch tab, you can then click the "Reports" button. The report detail will be filtered for the batch selected.
Note: This method will only show you the total of transactions included in this batch. The figures submitted to the ATO are the year-to-date figures for the employees contained in the batch. To report on an employee's year-to-date figures skip Step 1. and report on the full year amounts.
Once you submit the STP Batch the detail of the figures submitted will appear as a paper clip next to the submission.
To produce a report:
1. Select the batch from the STP batch register by ticking in the selection column
2. Click the "Reports" button
The report Wizard appears.
3. Select The "Employee STP Payment Summary Report"
4. Click "Next"
The report filter appears.
Ensure you have selected the correct date range and the job type covered by the report
The batch period range will need to reflect the date period for the batch (or the entire range for the whole period, making sure you correct the dates for the relevant financial year if this has changed).
5. Click "Next" and complete the report wizard
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