When you create documents, you may approach the document review stage in several ways:
- You may nominate for document(s) to be sent straight to a user for review as part of the document production wizard (DPW)
- You may first output document(s) from the DPW, review and edit documents, then at a later stage send the documents for authorisation.
By sending a document for review, you create a review task. The recipient of a review task may "approve" the document or "send to another user" for document approval.
Sending documents for review straight from the DPW
You may use this option in a situation where you're fairly confident the document can be produced without much editing required.
As part of document production you can send documents to another user for review. At the review stage select the "Review" button.
When selecting the recipient(s) to review documents the list of users includes all users with "Document - View" permissions.
When you finish the DPW an email will be sent to the reviewer.
Output documents first, review them and then send them for authorisation
You may choose to review the documents after you have completed the DPW before sending to another user. In this case, do not select a user from the left hand column in the DPW pictured above and click review. Complete the DPW wizard by selecting "Preview Documents in Document Management".
Open the document to review, by double clicking on the document after completing the DPW.
If a document has been created and is in document management and you have reviewed the document, you can subsequently right-click on the document and select the option to request authorisation.
The "Send authorisation" dialogue (above) will display and allow you to send the document for authorisation.
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