When you run Insolvency for the first time and the software doesn't know which database to connect to, you will be presented with this dialogue box:
Enter the following details:

Changing your connection details
To change the connection details , click SHIFT while clicking the Insolvency shortcut and click the 'Connect to database' button.
Your IT support will need to provide you with the correct SQL Server name to connect to the database.
The database name will usually be "Insol2".
The username and password will default to the options above, this should be left unchanged.
For further information see:
If at any stage you are presented with the user login dialogue box:
Click "Other DB" then enter the connection details.
The above user logon screen indicates that the software cannot find the currently logged on Windows user in the database.
Ask support about automating the connection process.
If you relocate your database server, you should make sure your document locations have not been updated also.
If you are connecting a new database, you can see the connection details from an existing workstation.
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