Generally when assessing issues with document file locations evaluate:
- Have the files been recently relocated to a different file server?
- Has the user been moved to a new machine / new environment?
- Has it just started happening after the relocation of files?
- Are all users affected?
- Is the job setting (document folder) affected?
The reason you may experience a Path or File not found error is due to the incorrect set up of file-system paths (folders or directories) when dealing with documents or forms.
Essentially the software may be trying to find or save a document to a folder and that path does not exist.
You may find that the path or file do exist, in which case you should check to see if the overall name exceeds the Microsoft allowable length of 256 characters. This value is cumulative so long file and path names together with several directory levels all add up and will potential lead to this error occurring. The remedy for this situation is to reduce the total number of characters used for the location and name of a particular document.
Typically, we see the following document paths not set correctly:
1. The job folder may be incorrectly specified or not accessible from your machine.
To test:, open the Job document folder, by clicking on the
a) open the Job document folder, by clicking on the Document Management tab:
b) Click the Open Folder icon
to ensure you have permission to access the document folders.
2. A merge template may have been removed from the file-system and not exist in the location that the database expects the template to be located.
To test this:
a) Navigate to Manage Document Templates on the main menu.
b) Double click on a document template to ensure the template opens. This ensures you are able to access the document template.
3. Your computer / windows user profile doesn't have access to a mapped drive
Check the Application Settings > Document Settings and make sure you can browse to the folder location (double click on the ellipse highlighted).
The <default> template has been removed from the folder representing the Merge Template Category.
Error 53 File not found imsDBMgr4.MergeTemplateCategory.SaveMergeTemplateCategory
This is likely to result in this error
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