If you prepare payroll from external system, have entered information into journals and not into a payroll batch or have inherited data that needs to be submitted, you can submit a "Current Year Update Submission".
To process a STP Current Year Update submission:
1. Navigate to the "Single Touch Payroll" tab
2. Click New STP > Current Year Update
3. Confirm the action
4. Click "OK"
5. Complete the Inputs tab
Ensure you enter a payment date within the financial year for which you wish to make the submission.
Note: A Current Year Update submit will pick up all employees that have unsubmitted payroll entries and submit their YTD figures.
The current year update submit picks up all employee YTD figures. You can see the detailed of all employee information submitted on the report attached to the batch.
NB - Dec2024. It has been discovered that running a current year update and entering a payroll period end date pre the last payroll/dividend date run the report will only include those transactions to the payroll period end date. However if you review the xml created for submission to the ATO you will note the amounts of any payroll/dividend post the payroll period end date are included in the submission.
Regardless of the Payroll period end date and/or as at date all payroll/dividend transactions for employees up to the day the submission is being prepared will be included in the submission. This is what a current year update is expected to do.
It has been brought to the developers attention for future review.
Totals reported on Response Summary
Please refer to the article STP - ATO Response Summary
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