You need to have the lastest version of the software installed.
Download files
Access the download website and download the merge template zip files.
Updating the merge template files
NB: Installing the updated merge templates uses the same processes for Desktop users and Azure users
Note: Make sure you have backed up your merge template folders and files before extracting the Merge file. To do this, simply zip your Merge Templates folder and save it in an accessible place.
If you are running v2020.12 or later you will now have the option to unzip and install the new templates via Manage Document Templates into your Aryza Insolv Merge Templates folder. This method will unblock the files also.
You can however continue with the original method if you do not have access to the Aryza Insolv application.
V2020.12 and above Unzip Merge Templates directly into Manage Document Templates via the Insolv App
- From the Main Menu click on Manage Document Templates
- Click on Import Zipped Templates and click OK to the pop up message
- Edit the path to where you saved the downloaded files and click on the file
- Confirm the path the file is to be unzipped to is correct and click OK.
All Version can use the Merge Template extraction method below
Note: Make sure you have backed up your merge template folders and files before extracting the latest file. To do this, take a copy of the merge template root directory and all subdirectories and files.
To locate the merge templates root directory
- Open Aryza Insolv.
- Click Application Settings.
- Click the Documents Settings tab.
- Highlight the path to the location of the Merge Templates root directory.
For example, \\My Server\\Insolv\Insolvency\Merge Templates.
- Right-click on the folder and select Copy.
Once you have identified and copied the location of your Merge Templates root directory to the clipboard, you will need to extract the updated templates from the provided zip file.
To extract the updated templates
- Navigate to the location where you copied Merge file
- Right-click on the zip file and select Winzip > Extract To….
The Win Zip Extract window opens.
3. Right-click in the Extract To: field and click Paste.
The Merge Templates root directory location is pasted into the Extract To: field.
4. Click Extract.
The message Would you like to replace the existing file? is displayed.
5. Click Yes to All to update the templates.
Make sure the zip file has not been downloaded a blocked. You should unblock this file before unzipping to your merge template folder.
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