Basic recommendations post implementation:
- Azure SQL Server Firewall: this is disabled during setup with a rule called ALL, you will need to add all public IP’s for your offices and staff homes that require access to the database (note: please add the following for our support team)
- Insol 6 Insol 6 Main Office
- client office 1 Location 1
- client office 2 Location 2
- home office You'll need a fixed IP
Note this is for all access. - All (=FirewallOff ) Start End (Implementation only: remove in production)
- Azure SQL Point-in-time restore this gives you rollback capability, but we recommend taking a snapshot of the database weekly the below command creates a .bacpac file that can then be used to restore the database to the existing or to a new azure server.
- There is of course a dependency on workstation security being maintained. We assume you have all workstations domain joined either onPrem or AzureAD
- Use Microsoft Defender for Cloud a security monitoring solution for SQL and other Azure services
- Note all client side access to the database is via a username and password embedded in the Insol6 app and not visible to the user or through the app
Backup Scripting: Download and install SqlPackage - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn
sqlpackage.exe /a:Export /SourceConnectionString:",1433;Initial Catalog=insol6_CLID;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sysadmin;Password=18ChrComplexPA$$xx;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Connection Timeout=60;" /tf:C:\SQLBACKUP\insol6_CLID.bacpac /p:TargetEngineVersion=Latest
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