SQL Azure can be configured for point in time backup.
Azure performs periodic “full” back ups. When a restore is performed after this point, Azure will use the transaction logs (block blobs) to reconstruct the rest of the data to be the data you expect at that point-in-time.
30 day retention
Azure PITR SQL backups now come out-of-the box set to 7 day retention, a minimum of 30 days of PITR backups are recommended.
Here is the URL to change the database settings:
Configure policies - Microsoft Azure
Here is the link to Microsoft instructions:
Recommended Settings:
Below are the recommendations for backup of SQL:
Here are two methods we use to export data to a bacpac (the conventional format for keeping a backup). If you want a backup independent from Microsoft Azure test this export process works:
- if you require a belt-and-braces approach, run a script as follows to extract a bacpac as a snapshot to a local drive
sqlpackage.exe /a:Export /SourceConnectionString:"Server=tcp:CLIENTID.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=insol6_CLID;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sysadmin;Password=18ChrComplexPA$$xx;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Connection Timeout=60;" /tf:C:\SQLBACKUP\insol6_CLID.bacpac /p:TargetEngineVersion=Latest - Install Microsoft Data Studio and follow the export wizard
Some options and issues discussed here:
The above methods are suggested because:
- Azure databases (when they are created from an on prem SQL database) sometimes have invalid objects as a hangover from on prem conversion, like dud foreign key (FK) rows that were ‘identity inserted’ and need cleaning up.
- The two methods above give error messages that allow support to provide you with a clean-up script if encountered.
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