This error may occurs when:
- The job folder structure is not available to the DMS integration service
- The job folder is mapped to a folder location (drive letter) that is not available to the service
- The service does not have permission to create a folder in the the job's folder location
The service resides on a server machine and needs access through the network to the files in order to upload them to the DMS. If the job's folder is on a desktop or a local C:\ drive then the service will not be able to find the file.
The job's folder cannot be pointing to a mapped drive for external DMS integration.
The job folder is set in the Job settings:
The folder should be under the folder specified in the Document management root folder:
Note: Using the "Scan" feature to scan the document folders this will not cause this issue, because the scanning process checks to see if the document exists in the folder first.
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